Product Offering API

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Methods and endpoints

The Product Offering API allows you to:

  • search the product offering catalogue for available offers
  • view information about product offers
  • obtain the Product Offer ID used in the next stage of the ordering process.

The Product Offering API includes the following methods and endpoints:

Endpoint descriptionMethod and endpointFunction
API asset versionGET /versionRetrieve the full version number of the API (major minor and patch version numbers).
Product Offers By QueryGET /productOffersByQueryRetrieve a list of product offers available at an address or location by search options: Place ID, segment name, offer type, product family.

Mandatory attributes

These attributes are mandatory for the Product Offering API.

Place IDUsed as a part of GET /productOffersByQuery endpoint. The Place ID is a mandatory parameter required to search for available product offers.

Note: For more information on all available resources, attributes, parameters, field types, length and other restrictions, see the API Specification.
